Yeshua-Do Academy of Martial Arts "YAMA-Dojo" promotes non-violence, ethics and values, and happy/healthy life-style!

Kyu Promotion at YAMA, Dec.15, 2011: our kids receiving children-rank certificates; proud parents sitting behind.
Our motto is:
“Empowerment through training and education where people replace their fears with skills, knowledge and confidence.”
" Love protects always!" - 1 Cor. 13:7
"Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands to fight, and my fingers for warfare"- Psalm 144
Yeshua-Do Academy offers professional and exclusive Program based on Christian values and principles, which combines the main core of Bu-jutsu (Martial Arts of the samurai) training with highly specialized practical self-defense in: Aiki-jujutsu, Tai-jutsu, Aikido, Iaido, Ken-jutsu, Tameshi-giri (samurai sword cutting exercises), Jo-do (Staff fighting), cane/walking-stick defense, traditional Archery, Tanto and Shuriken-jutsu --- with body/mind/spirit (1 Thess.5:23) approach to the conflict resolution topped off by an Empowering Personal Development Program and Leadership skills!
Our program includes also classes for children, youth, and women. We specialize in self-defense courses and seminars; Anti-bullying "Peaceful-warrior" program combined with non-violent, non-aggressive philosophy.

Classes conducted by Sensei Vitold Jordan (7th Dan Black Belt, Shihan); and other instructors.

Programs for children, youth and adults
in Hanna, Alberta, Canada
Only 16 places available for each group, please check our schedule!
Come by for trial class!
Yeshua-Do Int'l Headquarters Project


Léo and Faye are among Alberta's pioneer home educators! Léo is a professional educator with over 40 years of experience, 25 of which were spent in the classroom mostly at a high school level. Léo is also our director and principal facilitator. Faye is an experienced home educating mom (and now grandma), the office administrator, as well as a trained teacher. Léo and Faye not only educated their children at home but are now mentoring them as they home educate their own children.
Léo has experience and vision that make him stand out among home education leaders. He has spoken on home education in most Canadian provinces as well as in the United States. He is a pioneer in advocating for the admission of home educated students into post-secondary institutions across the country, and has conducted the most detailed research studies on this issue in Canada. His decades of experience and extensive research have left him firmly convinced that a home education provided by loving parents is the best education any child could possibly receive.
Léo & Faye consider it a privilege to minister to those who have a sincere desire to honour God as they "train their children in the way that they should go”.

Our Program is NOT about wearing pinky/rainbow shirts, bands and ribbons which doesn't protect anyone, but rather creating victim society!
It's about very practical self-defense in Aiki-tai-jutsu and verbal skills established by internationally recognized anti-bullying experts.
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution.
Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
- Thomas Edison
"True martial art holds to the principle of non-resistance.
And because it is non-resistant, it is victorious from the beginning."
True Martial Art is about gratitude, chivalry, honesty, compassion, harmony and peace. We follow these rules and principles avoiding any conflicts and violence in our lives.
Living by what we've learned and growing into perfection, thus building a better world today.
Visit us on Facebook:

Cane or Sword-cane
"The Sherlock Holmes School of The Walking Stick Method of Self-Defence"
Combat cane is a very simple but effective weapon. The cane is able to be carried in to any courtroom, post office, bank, airplane even the White House. The cane is designed to effectively stop an attacker no matter the size or strength. By learning the cane you get an understanding of the power within the cane, but only by practicing you can walk anywhere with confidence in spite of your age.
The Conan-Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes School of Self-Defence" commemorates 19th century Barton-Wright's exploits and the fighting techniques or strategy mischievously spelled it Bartitsu. Learn how to defend yourself with an overcoat, cane, or umbrella against an attacker.
This unique program is reserved for gentlemen only!

Yeshua-Do/YAMA-Dojo Store
Unique oriental clothing, weaponry and home decor
"The Way Of The Warrior Is To Stop Conflict Before It Starts"
Yeshuado Headquarters Int'l. Hanna, Alberta Ph: 1-(780)-245-0997